Tuesday, November 4, 2008

my life is so perfect, just like the elves!!~

“Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who does nothing because he could only do a little.

is that not entirely applicable to each person...? im a youth. i am a tiny little speckle on this ginormous planet. what does it matter what i do? iv been in this virtual argument with the two ppl on my shoulders. the good guy and the bad guy. mainly about working on social justice fundraisers etc, because it seems like what takes so much time, effort, energy and resources comes out with only a relatively small profit. but, would it make me better to do nothing, because what im doing wont make a large dent in the world's problems? not really. not at all actually... it wouldnt be so much more helpful to have a group of people all workingg together for the same thing, but that only happens in the perfect la la land of the little elves with gingerbread houses and unlimited sugar. oh, to be an elf. . . . . anyway. i was talking to this relatively new friend of mine who wants to be a football player. he's very cool, and sports are his passion. i told him i would rather eat my own foot than watch an entire sports game and he almost fell because of death, i bet. typically, i like to think well before i speak, but in this case i wrote exactly what came to mind exactly when it did. i told him everything i thought of sports, darn it, and i was right!!! well... he didnt like that alot, needless to say!! but i was all "sports are waste of money1!!!! bahhh!! bunch of money hoggin princesses!!!!1#1!#1[kq1jkl14~!~~~ %! well, perhaps a hasty answer, yes? yes. i agree. however, let us rewind, and color over that entireeeee segment with pretty little flowers and continue on as if it never happened. if sports did something productive and actually mattered in someway or another, well, i would be all over that. i just dont enjoy sweaty men in costumes tossing around a silly piece of rubber with their sticks. its dumb. my time would be so much better used doing exhausting projects that are doing something for others. yes, i know. i am cheesey. cheesy? cheesie? whatevs. i am CORNY. cornie? corn and cheese might actually be good together... i wonder if you can bake corn of the cob in cheese. omg-oodness!!! yum!!!!# okay. back to mr. edmund burke. we can only do a little, but a bunch of littles make a big, and a big makes a dent. probably could have used a better analogy, but i left my frap on the stovetop. and its in a biodegrabale cup. so its... biodegrading all over the stovetop. and i kinda really have to go. i wish i lived in la la land. hhhh....


Kelsey Eliason said...

Your such a nut! You blogging is a great way to express your funny thoughts, mind wanderings and passionate points! ha ha.. love you friend, stoked on your blog!

Anonymous said...

hehe, you are my favorite little big Samantha Millar!!! :) And I miss you like crazy!! LOVE THE BLOGS BY THE WAY!!