Wednesday, June 3, 2009

cut down? suitable perhaps. life is so full of turns and twists and bumps and... freakin unexpected brick walls that show up when youre driving 250kmh. . . what a great post on the heels of my last one. i can keep myself accountable just by rereading my own posts apparently! anyway, im not sure why im blogging right now. maybe cause im really frustrated. hold my head high. hold myself to a standard.... and winga lee dinga lee!!! a nice big rock hits me in the head and busts my chin. great. try holding it up now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lifes good. gods still good. my life isnt over... but practically... almost...

not really... im being dramatic. just pray for me! for heavens sake... just pray for me. i need some wisdom from god himself right now.

later dayz.

1 comment:

Breanne Michelle said...

i love you and am praying!!!!
and at times like this is when the enemy will try to trip you up the most, when your doing great, when things are good, and then bam! it happens, and you just have to press more into God and just allow Him to love on you and speak to you!
love you lots <3